William Smith (1886 - 1956) |
John Weeda (~1898 - 1982) |
Emily Marie Codenys (1893 - 1939) |
Aafje Weeda (1901 - 1981) |
Denis Bruce Smith | (Living) |
b. 1 Nov 1928, Sheridan, Wyoming d. 6 Aug 1997, Casper, Wyoming bur. 16 Aug 1997, Casper, Wy, 10 a.m. First Christian Church by Dr. Bryant Badger, Interred at Oregon Trails Veterans' Cemetary Aug. 21, 1997 . office manager for Western Union, accountant and field auditor for State of Wyoming Employment Security Commission, retiring in 1988 . 1956, attended Bellingham, WA Business College . |
b. d. bur. . . . |
(Living) (Living) |